Main types of pollution pdf

A major source of air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels. The term usually conjures up images of rubbish dumps and oil slicks. Pollution is the process of making land, water, air or other parts of the environment dirty and not safe or suitable to use. Pollution is the introduction of damaging or poisonous materials into the natural environment. It is a serious environmental concern since it harbours many health hazards. Read this article to learn about the three main types of pollution.

Types, sources, effects, control of radiation pollution. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Different types of pollution and methods of control udemy blog. Air pollution is the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Specific class of light pollution consist of light trespass, overillumination, glare, light clutter, and sky glow. Pollution may be in the form of a gas, liquid, solid or energy. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. All the organisms are suffering from environmental pollution including us but the sad. Land pollution is one of the major forms of environmental catastrophe our world is facing today khan, 2004. These radioactive pollutants are produced by nuclear explosions, war explosives, nuclear power generation, spentfuel reprocessing plants, byproducts of mining operations and research laboratories.

Many do not know about this type of pollution and that is why it is becoming. Pollution was defined as the introduction into the environment of substances liable to cause harm to humans and other living organisms. Nov 09, 2017 types of pollution ppt powerpoint presentation pdf. Pollution in all forms is a major environmental issue in india. There are 10 types of pollution and their causes vary. Those pollutants may be gases or particulate matter and can come from a variety of sources. There are certain types of air pollution facts which cannot be avoided and we are the mere victims of them. Different types of pollution are categorized based on the part of the environment which they affect or result which the particular pollution causes. Air pollution due to toxic fumes from automobile exhaust. This means that anything that disturbs the natural state of our atmosphere is considered air pollution. Some other main types of pollution that we must be careful include.

Students will then use a map to identify geographic locations where air pollutants are most concentrated and. The 7 different types of pollution explained alpha. An introduction to air pollution definitions, classifications, and history. Convention for the prevention of marine pollution from landbased sources 1974 the paris convention. This is the contamination of natural air with dangerous gases. These radioactive pollutants are produced by nuclear explosions, war explosives, nuclear power generation, spentfuel reprocessing plants, by. Pollution means the presence of substances in the air, water, and land, which has an adverse effects harmful or poisonous on living organisms humanbeings, animals, plants, etc. The types of pollution that affect us can be classified into four main types. This paper discusses the different types of pollution in nigeria, the health. Below are explanations of the 10 types of pollution. While studying about pollution, we are going to deal with a number of terms related to chemistry. Published by the arab school for science and technology asst. Environment and related topics have nowadays become very important for upsc, state pcs and other govt competitive exams. Pollution can be of different types depending on the part of the environment that is getting polluted.

During my research i have found the above eight types of pollution that effects the environment. Types of water pollution this is a major problem that affects both animals and people, and it should be taken seriously because the damage it can cause could be irreversible. The pollution due to oil is a major and most impactful classification of marine pollution. Convention for the prevention of marine pollution by dumping from ships and aircarft1972 the oslo convention convention for the prevention of pollution from ships 1973marpol. However, the way the problem is dealt with differs greatly from country to country and is very much dependent on culture, economy and politics. This type of pollution does not only cause a great loss of marine flora and fauna, but. The substances that are responsible for causing air pollution are called air pollution. Each of these types has its own distinctive causes and consequences. There are predominantly 9 types of pollution like 1. Jul 26, 2018 types of marine pollution eutrophication when there is an excess of chemical nutrients mainly nitrates and phosphates in the water, it leads to eutrophication or nutrient pollution. Higher the frequency or lower the wavelength of a radiation. Pdf environmental pollution and its control researchgate.

Air pollution air pollution refers to the release of pollutants like toxic gases, biological molecules, and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Solutions to pollution two main methods correction costly and time intensive. Each and every type of pollution has its own consequences and its own causes. Types of pollution ppt powerpoint presentation pdf. Air, water, soil or land, noise, light, radioactive, thermal and visual are the different types of pollution.

Pdf environmental pollution causes and consequences. Types and sources of water pollution there are several major types of water pollution. Main types of pollution effects and causes of pollution. Summary air pollution, particularly in urban areas, constitutes a public health concern, as it has a harmful effect on the health, survival and activities of humans and other living organisms. The ecosystem is significantly disturbed by pollution, and over time, it can affect animals, plants, and people. Petroleum products, such as oil and gasoline, enter the water from ships and marine terminals, offshore oil rigs, runoff from. Radiation pollution is any form of ionizing and nonionizing radiations that results from human activity. Soil pollution definition, causes, types, effects, and. What are the main types of environmental pollution.

As bulgaria and the slovak republic, heavy metal industries have. Marine pollution incidents among the pitcairn islands have been minimal. Radiation is the process by which radiant energy is transferred from one place to another in the form of electromagnetic waves. This is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Theory of environmental pollution is one among them. Study of pollution aids in understanding basics of pollution and also helps to generate set of rules for each and every type of pollution. Types of marine pollution sedimentation agricultural runoff herbicides, pesticides and. Environment pollution is a widereaching problem and it is likely to influence the health of human populations is great. It is a broad term that denotes many problems that are caused by the useless, ugly, and pointless use of artificial light. Most forms of pollution are invisible to the human eye and come in a variety of different forms. Definitions and classifications used in the study of air pollution are introduced.

For example, exposure to soil containing high concentrations of benzene increases the risk of contracting leukaemia. Types of pollution the following are the types of pollution perceived in our environment. Pdf on dec 11, 2018, agboola happiness and others published. The availability and pollution of environmental resources is one of the main problems to which modern society faces.

Air pollution types of environmental pollution air pollution is any major source of irritating smoke, chemical residue, or other vapor released into the air that makes it a significant health risk to human life, or simply unpleasant to experience. Environmental pollution is not an unknown topic now. Petroleum products, such as oil and gasoline, enter the water from ships and marine terminals, offshore oil rigs, runoff from parking lots, factories, oil dumping, and other sources. When we think of pollution, we often think of it as a visible problem. Among the different pollution types, visual pollution represents a social problem that affects the physical and mental health of individuals who come into contact with it. Those fossil fuels can contribute to air pollution, which returns to the earth as acid rain and increases water pollution. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substancesenergies or naturally occurring contaminants. Improper management of solid waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution kimani, 2007. Here, the main types of air pollution commonly found in urban environments are pre. Categorized study of pollution helps to understand the basics in more detail and produce protocols for the specific types.

Various types of pollution air, water, soil, noise etc. Pollution comes from the latin polluere which means to contaminate. Mar 19, 20 noise from commercial aircraft is only a problem around airports as this is where aircraft converge at low altitude and high engine power. Marine pollution is detrimental to wildlife and ecosystems. Sep 21, 2018 marine pollution can be of different types like ocean acidification, underwater noise, plastic accumulation, etc. Sources of pollution may be point sources, which are easily identified, or nonpoint sources, where the pollution comes from diffuse sources that are not easy to pinpoint. But the problem persists even in areas where extensive resources have been used for regulating, assessing and damping noise sources or for creation of noise. What are the causes of air pollution pollutant description and main uk sources potential effects on healthenvironment particulate matter pmpm 10 and pm 2. So, pollution is something that contaminates the environment. Marine pollution is the introduction of substances or energy from humans into the marine environment resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities including fishing, impairment of quality for use of seawater, and reduction of amenities. Soil pollution refers to the contamination of soil with anomalous concentrations of toxic substances. Nitrogen dioxide no2 is both a primary and secondary air. Pollutants may cause primary damage, with direct identifiable impact on the environment, or secondary damage in the form of minor perturbations in the delicate. Pdf pollution is an unfavourable alteration in the physical.

Increasing air traffic with different types of aircrafts and city expansion will exacerbate the noise problems. The danger to marine life comes in various forms, such as chemical discharge from industrial sources, human sewage, runoff from agricultural areas also contain harmful substance such as phosphorus and nitrogen which promote algae growth. For example, light pollution requires energy to be made, which means the electric plant needs to burn more fossil fuels to supply the electricity. Air pollution, light pollution, littering, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination. An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the. For development, industries have to be built and when the industries start running on full scale there is a constant emission of carbon monoxide gas. Pollution is the entrance of toxic or harmful substances into the environment. Also introduced are a brief history of air pollution. In recent times, there has been one incident of tar being found on the beach at ducie in july 1992 benton, 1995.

Environmental pollution, types, causes, impact and management. Coker department of civil engineering university of ibadan ibadan environment according to federal environmental protection agency fepa act of 1990, under. Types of water pollution, causes, sources and effects. Distinct types of pollution are classified depending on the affected part of an environment. In this session you will learn about the different types and sources of pollution and the various human activities that can cause. The agents that bring about or cause this pollution are called pollutants. The term pollution refers to any substance that negatively impacts the environment or organisms that live within the affected environment. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse.

Study of pollution aids in understanding basics of pollution and also helps to generate set of rules for each and every. In this article, we have thoroughly discussed the types, causes and impacts of different pollutions affecting humankind. You were introduced to wastes and pollutants in study session 1, where we discussed the interactions between humans and our environment. This paper provides the insight view about the affects of environment pollution in the perspective of air pollution, water and land soil waste pollution on human by diseases and problems, animals and trees plants. Various types of pollutants ranging from gaseous pollutants to radioactive wastes exist in nature. Noise pollution of an aircraft will increase with the speed. Aug 26, 2017 environmental pollution is not an unknown topic now. The atmosphere is a dynamic system, which steadily absorbs various pollutants from natural and anthropogenic sources. During the 19th century a number of ships were wrecked at pitcairn, oeno, and ducie, and rusting metallic debris from some of these can still. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. Water, the planets most precious resource, is no stranger to this situation.

Marine pollution conventions there are no less than 6 international marine pollution conventions. Waterborne litter, however, is a different matter see box 34. Environmental pollution, types, causes, impact and. Air pollution is the presence of one or more disadvantageous content in such quantity and for such duration, as it is catastrophic, or tend to be catastrophic, to human health and welfare, animal or plant life. Marine pollution types, causes, effects, prevention and. Water pollution thermal pollution land pollution radiation pollution noise pollution air pollution causes and impacts water pollution water pollution is the introduction into fresh or ocean waters of chemical, physical, or. The entry of potentially harmful pollutants in the oceans is called marine pollution. These changes could be in the physical, chemical or even biological changes. Visual pollution what is, causes, effects, prevention. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollution is a harmful contamination of natural resources.

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